Hire quality freelancers quicker

We recommend curated Canadian freelancers.
You choose the best fit and get to work faster.


You know your business. But online marketing is a bit of a mystery.

You looked for help on a big freelance platform. But were overwhelmed with pitches and underwhelmed with the quality of work.

Goals unmet, your time and money were wasted.

We help owners grow their businesses faster with the right talent at the right price by matching them with vetted Canadian freelancers.

Save time, invest wisely,
hire the right help

Our vetted freelancers provide

How it works

  • sandracolabornationca

    Tell us what you need

    In a free consult, we guide you to create a freelance project with the right scope and budget to get your desired results.

  • Receive custom freelancer recommendations

    Within days, we recommend 2-3 curated freelancers whose skills, experience and values align with your business needs.

  • Hire the best fit

    Review freelancers’ profiles and portfolios. Interview your favourites and hire the best fit. Pay a $125 matching fee only if you hire.

Trusted by

CoLabourNation is an official perk partner of Boundless Accelerator based in Guelph. We match start-up founders in agri-innovation, food & beverage, manufacturing, cleantech, and technology with vetted Canadian freelancers.

We also partner with Innovate Niagara to help their start-up founders advance their businesses with freelance talent.

 Why Owners Turn to CoLabourNation

* Quality, Local Talent

Based on our 18 years’ experience hiring freelancers, we vet talent with applications, interviews, and portfolio reviews.
We select results-oriented freelancers with excellent communication skills who understand Canadian culture.

✔ Curated recommendations

We know our freelancers and recommend pros aligned with your needs, budget, and values for a perfect fit.

$ One-time cost to hire

Pay a one-time matching fee to hire a freelancer; then work direct for as long as you want with no further fees.